
HERO in other people's words:

Reading HERO feels like watching an art film, and sometimes requires just as much patience, but the beauty and mystery of the atmosphere are engaging enough to keep us going. Make no mistake, not all webcomics work so well with such cryptic material, but HERO distinguishes itself though elegant simplicity.

Broken Frontier

You don't read this webcomic as much as you experience it. [....] I don't know who gives out awards for best comics, but this one should get it.

Online Comics

HERO is so unusual and special that it's hard to describe to anyone who hasn't read it... I want to compare it to The Little Prince if it had been written by Neil Gaiman, set in the world of Final Fantasy VIII and illustrated by Yoshitaka Amano. [....] Definitely my favourite webcomic find of the year so far.

Diary of a Phanatique

[HERO] presents an interesting challenge to how we think about webcomics and comics more broadly, and how words and pictures intersect.


HERO is surreal, like Rice Boy surreal, in the story telling and the art. [....] it's so much more than [its summary]. You start at the beginning of the boy's story but it's the middle of everyone else's; you use the stories people tell to piece together the past.

Bucket of Crud

Wonderfully controlled and beautifully free-flowing. The characters are real, almost tangible, and their pain hurts, just as their joy thrills.

Interrupting Service

...definitely worth a look to fans of alternate comics. It's one of few webcomics that takes advantage of the medium and the artwork and unusual story telling make it noteworthy. It's not finished yet but it is an impressive work already.

The Escapist

HERO takes a quiet and deep look at what it means to be a person and what it means to live.

The Geekery

...HERO uses imagery as its base, both the literal and figurative. [....] Rather than the usual comic style, the images in HERO have a very artistic flair to them. Colors are generally soft, the lines are very flexible, and panels have a certain ethereal, fantastical quality to them. (Much like a good fairytale.)

Comics Village

Did I get what I was hoping for? A story that I could immersively wander around in? Yep. In some ways it reminds me of my favorite Sandman stories...

Art Patient

HERO has a narrative style that is immensely distinct and endearing. [....] All in all, HERO is something very special and unique out of the comics I have read, and in terms of webcomic finds, this is a motherlode of a Find! Finding comics like this totally makes writing [a] blog worthwhile.

Lonely Panel

I don't think any comic has ever made me feel sadness and yearning as strongly as Hero has. The dialogue and prose is beautiful, as are the illustrations [....] This was one of the first comics I read that really made me want to work in comics.

Ariel Ries (Witchy creator)